We are a Czech company based in České Budějovice. Since 1995, as an exclusive distributor, we have been supplying Czech customers with highly reliable HATZ diesel engines including spare parts and providing service.
Hatz Diesel GmBH, based in Ruhstorf, Bavaria, is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of diesel engines up to 60kW. More than a century of tradition and the use of the most modern technologies in production guarantee a combination of excellent performance parameters and low consumption and emission values meeting the strictest European standards and limits.
We provide remanufacturing of Hatz engines and service repairs of all kinds at our premises or directly at the customer’s premises.
Please send enquiries for new engines, repairs or spare parts to hatz@davidservis.cz or via the enquiry form
Why us?
25 years of experience
Experienced team
- small, light, quiet, universally applicable single-cylinder diesel engines
- in the power range 1.5 to 7.9 kW
- have been awarded the EUROMOT Innovation Award for the optimal combination of mixture preparation and emission quality. The crankshaft is optionally positioned horizontally or vertically.
- SUPRA – single-cylinder diesel engines in the power range of 4.5 to 11 kW
- SUPRA SILENT PACK – single-cylinder D-series engines fitted with a compact, noise-absorbing housing that reduces operating noise by up to 90% of the original values
- nová generace vodou chlazených motorů s výkonem do 18 kW
- splňující nejpřísnější emisní normy EURO V
- lehké, úsporné motory s mimořádně vysokým točivým momentem, nízká zástavbová výška (<600 mm)
- varianty
– 3F30 = tříválcový motor, 133 kg, 16 kW
– 3F35 = tříválcový motor ve výkonovém rozsahu 8-18 kW
– 3F45 = tříválcový motor ve výkonovém rozsahu 11-18 kW
– 4F45 = čtyřválcový motor s konstantními otáčkami 1500 rpm / 16 kW - možnost dodání
– samotného motoru nebo
– kompletní sestavy připravené k instalaci do zařízení a spuštění (včetně chladiče a usazovací konstrukce)
- New generation of water-cooled engines up to 60 kW
- meeting the most stringent EURO V emission standards
- lightweight, economical engines with extremely high torque, low installation height (<700 mm)
- can be delivered
– the engine itself or
– complete assemblies ready to be installed in the plant and commissioned (including radiator and settling structure) - Variants
– 3H50T = three-cylinder engine, 132 kg, 18 kW = EU V emission standard compliant
– 3/4H50TI = three- or four-cylinder engine with compressed air intercooler in the power range 19-62 kW for use outside the EU and USA
– 3/4H50TIC = three or four cylinder engine with oxidation catalyst in the power range 25-55 kW for use in the USA
– 3/4H50TICD = three or four cylinder engine with oxidation catalyst and particulate filter in the 25-55 kW power range for use in the EU
- elektrocentrály o výkonu 2 – 9,5 kVA
- řešení pro výpadek sítě,nebo jako trvalé napájení
- napětí 230V nebo 400V
- dostupné i velice kompaktní a spotřebou úsporné variantě fiPMG
- s integrovaným setrvačníkem s permanentními magnety
- rozměry nejvýkonnější varianty 5,6 kW pouze 35 x 45 x 48 cm
- Hatz gear pumps are available in different versions according to the volume supplied, ranging from 2.05 cm3 to 22.97 cm3/rev and are capable of stable operation at 8000 rpm
- the maximum working pressure is between 150 and 255 bar
- the pump design is flexible, all variants can be used in conjunction with another or even a third pump (according to customer requirements).
Only spare parts available:
- M series – multicylinder industrial motors up to 60 kW
- L series – multicylinder industrial motors up to 60 kW fitted with a compact, noise damping housing that reduces the operating noise by up to 90% of the original values
- G series – two-cylinder motors up to 17 kW
Ask us for spare parts for all Hatz diesel engine series. We will reply to you with a price and possible delivery date.
Please send your enquiries to hatz@davidservis.cz.
We have filters for all engine series in stock for immediate delivery!
The most important applications of HATZ diesel engines
rammers / vibratory plates
Armáda ČR
charging units
diesel generators
asphalt recyclers
joint cutters
rammers / vibratory plates
electric generators
vibrating rollers
high pressure cleaners
machinery and equipment intended for the repair and construction of asphalt roads, including their maintenance
joint cutters
stump cutters
hydraulic aggregates
Menzi Muck
walking excavators
joint cutters, rammers / vibratory plates
municipal technology
municipal technology
road repair machines
four-wheel small tractors with high performance, manoeuvrability and accessory variability
sweeping machines
rammers / vibratory plates
rammers / vibratory plates
rammers / vibratory plates
wheel loaders
Zodiac equipment
ground handling equipment for aircraft – stairs for passengers
Main advantages of HATZ diesel engines
Two basic features guarantee the economy of HATZ engines. Optimum fuel consumption and exceptionally long service life. - OPERATIONAL SAFETY AND RELIABILITY
Even under extreme climatic conditions, HATZ engines exhibit the highest operational safety. Air cooling makes a significant contribution to this. Air is available everywhere and has two basic advantages over water – it does not freeze and does not evaporate. HATZ engines are renowned for their ease of starting even at the lowest temperatures. - ROBUSTNESS AND LONG SERVICE LIFE
HATZ engines are designed for durability and robustness. These characteristics are guaranteed by the high quality of material and manufacturing. The operation and maintenance of HATZ motors is easy even for non-experts. - VERSATILITY OF USE
The compact design, extensive power drop options and wide range of attachments provide the ideal solution for every application. - ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY
HATZ has been a pioneer in the development of environmentally friendly diesel engines for many years. HATZ’s research has achieved outstanding success, particularly in reducing noise and pollutants in exhaust gases.